Have been finding out more about the One brand this week. With its challenge that we can all 'do One good thing', its vision is a perfect expression of what this blog is all about: that small things can make big differences.
With One, their model is very simple: buy a One branded product and 100% of profits go to support a related Third World development project.
It's a really clever model for engaging people in social issues that might otherwise disinterest them, focusing on behaviour change rather than attitude change...given that latter are actually pretty hard to change, with beliefs more often than not following behaviour.
In fact, it ticks most of the boxes that I set out here.
They have a nice, simple film that tells the One story as well...
The one (ho ho) challenge? Ensuring their brand and products have appeal beyond those already engaged with the issues they are supporting. Without this the model doesn't really work, at least in terms of maximising donations and bringing the disinterested into the fold. Only time will tell on this.
In the meantime, if you think One sounds like a good idea and want to offer your support, you can like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.