Run in conjunction with ITV (the UK's biggest commercial TV station), Born to Shine created a new fund raising stream for Save The Children over the summer.
Building on their No Child Born To Die campaign, it turned what could have been just another exercise in generic charity heart-string tugging, into something more involving and action orientated.
Using a clever spin on a fairly conventional reality TV theme - talented kids teach celebs new skills - the show helped raise £2.1m for the charity. Which, though it may pale in comparison to the £26m of Children in Need, is not a sum to be sniffed at.
It is also a good example of targeting behaviour rather than beliefs to engage people in a cause that otherwise may have passed them by.
Would be good to know how much SCT had to invest in this (or was it all ITV?), and how the sums raised compare with the efficacy of more conventional campaign advertising/fund-raising.
Because if it works you could see others following the same path. Even if undemanding TV, it's got to be better than chuggers!