Came across this yesterday: the page of Demos, the UK centre-left think tank.
Found a couple of useful things, but also confirmed something I've been thinking for awhile: that doesn't really work for me.
I get the idea: you can save things which are of interest to you, and look at what others are saving on topics you are interested in. And I get all the self defining/organising taxonomy thing.
But at the end of the day, it just feels to me like chucking things into big boxes in the attic: you know there's probably interesting and useful stuff up there (there may even be labels on the boxes), but it's all just too messy and random, and you can never find what you're looking for. Jumble sales and car boot sales spring to mind as well.
Happy to accept I'm in the luddite, old fashioned minority (what do others think?) or that I'm not using it properly (any top tips?), but I just can't be bothered with something that seems to make things more complicated rather than simpler.