Here's a thought. If blogs can replace headhunters, as seems to be the way things are heading if the blogs I read are anything to go by, could they replace other much used, but not always much loved aspects of our business.
What about competitive pitches? Let's be honest. Adrenalin buzz aside what, in the words of Edwin Starr, are they good for? Well sometimes they are good for a lot of things. But not always.
They can be time consuming and expensive for client and agency. They make it difficult to get to know each other you're often none the wiser whether a relationship will work. And they don't always deliver the best work...because the best work comes from working closely together (see previous point). So, I thought, maybe there are times when a different approach would work better. Here goes then...
Looking for an agency? Give us a call at Quiet Storm. Not to give us your (whole) account on a whim - that probably IS unrealistic. But to test us out. Come in, have a chat, see what we're like (we like to think we're quite nice). And give us a project: maybe there's a knotty problem you can't seem to crack, a pet project on the back burner, a secondary brand that could deliver ROI if only given some TLC. Whatever it might be, give us a budget to work with and give us a go.
We'll keep it collaborative and light of touch (quick if necessary). It will give you a chance to get to know us (and vice versa). And for us to show what we're capable of. And afterwards? Well, there's no strings attached, if you want to walk away (unlike after those big pitches!). But we've always found a successful project, and a satisfied customer, tends to lead to bigger, more lasting things ;-)
So there you go. Probably terribly naive and simplistic. And deeply flawed, given that most of the people reading this are likely to work for other agencies (although friends of friends and all that...). But you never know what might happen. I'll let you know.