- The Islamic revolution in Iran was equivocal about the role of music, and to this day, music can be heard on state television but instruments are not shown.
- The French word for their new Arab middle class is beurgeoisie, deriving from the French "beur" meaning child of Arab immigrants.
- Prison officers are on average assaulted eight times a day.
- The average failed marriage will have lasted 11.5 years.
- A woman will own an average of 111 handbags in her lifetime.
- It's an imprisonable offence to keep money you notice has been wrongfully deposited in your bank account.
- Orchids are as old as the dinosaurs.
- The chances of a woman having two sets of triplets naturally are one in 64 million
- Sniffer dogs are used in the fight against pirate DVDs. They cannot smell the difference between fake and genuine though.
- Police speed guns can be jammed by devices used to control electronic gates and garage doors.
(Source: BBC)