The 2008 British Social Attitudes Survey is out. A few choice cuts...
- 32% of men agree that it's a man's job to earn money and a women's job to look after the home and family.
- ...but 68% of women in a relationship say they do all the household cleaning.
- In 1987 (not that long ago), 75% of people thought homosexuality was always or mostly wrong; now it's (still) 32%.
- Only 50% of people read a morning paper at least 3 times a week, vs. 77% in 1983.
- 12% of Britons participate in voluntary organisations...less than half the rate found in Canada.
- 76% think the gap between high and low incomes is too great.
- ...but only 34% think the Government should do something to redistribute income.
There's a handy press release detailing these facts and more here. Or you can access the BSAS data base if you register here (although it's not the most user friendly site around).