About a year ago, Media Guardian ran a piece in praise of 'modern' (not really) advertising, in which they put the boot into...and 'killed off' as archaic...the good old 'catchphrase'. Being (in some ways) a bit of a traditionalist at heart, I disagreed. Well I ranted, really. Because I thought they were wrong. And also because most of the examples they gave for the 'future of advertising' seemed pretty conventional to me.
Anyway, a few months later, Mars announced a new line for their energy drink - 'work; rest; play harder', a variation on the 'a Mars a day helps you work rest and play' line, first aired in 1959, but ditched in 1995. Felt slightly vindicated. Had some more words to say.
And now, in today's Campaign, we hear that the line for the new main brand work (after a decade of various nonsense) will be 'work, rest, play'. Nice (although I obviously haven't seen the ads yet!).
As Caroline Jary, the Mars brand manager, says: "we echoed the strapline because it's part of the brand heritage. The updated message helps communicate the brand values as much today as in yesteryear". Exactly. And welcome back...until the next time someone kills it off for being 'old fashioned'.
I'll leave the final word to the Undertones.
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