Some years ago, at a previous agency, we nearly had a meet 'n' greet with Sacla, the Italian sauces brand. It never happened. But one thing from the background research always stuck with me...
Sacla are from Piedmont, which is also the home of the Slow Food Movement.
The idea of Slow Food was not something I'd (explicitly) come across before, and as well as offering a potential angle on the brand to talk about, the 'slow' ideal really resonated with me.
Maybe it's not living in the Big City; maybe it's the suggestions of craft, care, quality, simplicity and naturalness intrinsic to the concept; maybe the spiritual dimension implied - of 'being' not 'doing'; or maybe I'm just a bit boring! But whatever the appeal, I have always liked (and tried to live out) the idea(ls) of taking things slow.
Which is why I've watched with interest as trend spotters various have recently started to latch on to all things slow - from food to fashion to travel. I particularly like the irony of an industry fixated on quick change fixating on something which champions lack of change and longevity. I also like the fact that it seems to have taken so long for them to 'spot' the trend (it's been around since the mid 80s!).
Maybe it's the first in a new trend for slow trends. Or maybe will find out next month that fast is the new slow (think I'll skip that one).
Anyway, an opportunity to revisit one of the best spokespeople for slow ever, who I think was also once voted sexiest cartoon animal (or something similar)…