A few interesting facts and figures from Contagious 17...
- 150%: forecast growth in UK mobile ad spend over the next 5 years (O2)
- $2.4bn: ad revenues generated by mobile web searches by 2011 (Mobile Content Networks)
- $1.6m: per employee profit forecast in 2008 for Nintendo (FT)
- 19%: Internet advertising's share of spend in the UK for the first 6 months of 2008, a 21% increase on 2007 (Internet Advertising Bureau)
- 40%: forecast growth in China's digital ad spend in 2009, up to $5.2bn (KPMG)
- 35%: proportion of marketing directors who believe digital offers the best ROI and transparency (Rackspace Hosting)
- 1992: the last time buying TV advertising was as cheap in the UK (Ebiquity)
- 70%: proportion of agencies forecasting an increase in viral budgets in 2009 (Feed Company)
- 45 hours: average time spent playing a week by 'extreme' gamers (NPD Group)
- 12%: proportion of Facebook's 132m users who have registered as a 'fan' of a brand (comScore)
- 92%: the number of marketers spending over $500m on search ads who would increase spend by 25% or more if buying ads were simpler (Jupiter Research)
- 27%: Q3 08 increase in US adspend dedicated to search (searchIgnite)
- 73%: the number of people who have hurled a gadget in a fit of rage (Pocket Lint)