Saw this at the weekend (though a 30" version). About 90% of the way thru, I was thinking the new Carling work was pretty poor: a blandly entertaining, but neutered, watered down version of the previous Mates campaign, lacking any drinker insight or viewer humour/reward.
Only for it to turn out to be for Carlsberg...
So basically, the new Carlsberg commercial is a poor man's Carling ad.
Who would want to pay good money (and a lot of it I would guess) for the barrel scrapings of someone else's campaign?
And 'That Calls For A Carsberg'?!?! Good grief - my son could've done better.
One of the greatest advertising ideas ever replaced by hackneyed, 'seen it a million times before', trite, insight-free lazyness.
What a waste. And we wonder why advertising gets a bad name.